Category: Honorable Mention

Poland: Poznan

In the city of Poznan, in 1399, three consecrated Hosts were robbed by some desecrators who struck them with some hole-punchers in order to deface it. The Hosts began to drip blood and every attempt to destroy them proved futile. At that point, the malefactors, in order not to be discovered, decided to cast them into a marsh. But the particles were suspended in the air and began to radiate strong flashes of light.
Only after fervent prayers did the bishop succeed in recovering the particles, which can be venerated today at the Church of Corpus Christi in Poznan.

Spain: Alboraya-Almácera Part 1

In 1348, a priest while on his way to visit some sick people in order to bring them Communion, slipped in the waters of a small river that he was crossing and overturned the ciborium which contained some consecrated Hosts. The poor priest, who had by now resigned himself to the loss, heard himself being called by some fishermen a short distance away inviting him to come closer to the shore in order to see several fish with discs in their mouth which appeared to be Hosts. The particles were immediately recovered and brought back to the church in a solemn procession in which the whole village participated.

Mexico: Tixtla Part 1

On October 12, 2013, H.E. Most Rev. Alejo Zavala Castro, Bishop of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, announced through a Pastoral Letter the recognition of the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred at Tixtla, on October 21, 2006. In the letter we read: “This manifestation brings to us a marvelous sign of the love of God that confirms the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist… In my role as Bishop of the Diocese I recognize the supernatural character of the series of events relating to the Bleeding Host of Tixtla… I declare the case as a “Divine Sign …”.

Teresa Neumann

Teresa Neumann’s life changed radically after her miraculous recovery from paralysis and total blindness at the age of 25. About a year later, she received the stigmata and began fasting, which lasted 36 years until her death. Her only nourishment was the Holy Eucharist and for this reason the Nazi authorities, during World War II, withdrew her food rationing card and gave her a double rationing of soap to wash her towels and clothing, because every Friday she would be drenched in Blood while she was in ecstasy, experiencing the Passion of Christ. Hitler was very fearful of Teresa.

Poland: Legnica Part 1

In St. Hyacinth’s church in Legnica, during Holy Mass, on December 25, 2013, a Host accidentally fell on the ground, during the distribution of Communion. It was immediately placed in a container with water and closed in the tabernacle as required by code of Canon Law. A few days later, a red spot appeared on Its surface. The Bishop of Legnica at the time, Stefan Cichy, decided to establish a commission for a scientific analysis. The results were surprising, and confirmed that It had similarities to “human heart muscle with alterations that often appear during the agony”.

Poland: Sokólka Part 1

On October 12, 2008, at the church dedicated to Saint Anthony of Sokółka, the Holy Mass of 8:30 AM is celebrated by a young vicar, Filip Zdrodowski. During Communion, unknowingly the Host falls from the
ands of one of the priests. A woman kneeling, ready to receive the Eucharist, makes him notice it. The priest remains paralyzed from fright and believing it was dirty, places it in the vasculum, a small silver vessel which contains the water utilized by priests to wash their fingers after distributing Communion. At the end of the Holy Mass, the sacristan, Sister Julia Dubowska, takes the vasculum with the Host and for increased safety pours it into another vessel which she then locks in the safe where the chalices were kept.

Spain: Ivorra Part 1

The parish priest of this town doubted the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. One day in the year 1010, while celebrating Mass, the miracle occurred: the wine contained in the chalice was converted entirely into live Blood. At present, the Sacred Relics are preserved in a gothic reliquary from 1426 that contains the altar cloth spotted with Blood, and other relics given from Pope Sergius IV to Saint Ermengol.

Italy: Offida

In Offa, near the Church of St. Augustine, are kept the relics of the Eucharistic miracle which took place in 1273, in which the Host was converted into living Flesh. There are many documents which describe this miracle, among which is an authentic copy on a parchment of the 13th century, written by the notary Giovanni Battista Doria in 1788. There are also many official decrees of the Popes beginning with that of Boniface VIII (1295), to that of Sixtus V (1585), discourses of Roman congregations, Episcopal decrees, communal statutes, votive gifts, memorial stones, frescoes and testimonies of notable historic figures, among whom we recall the Antinori’s and Fella.

Poland: Legnica Part 2

The fact that the Legnica miracle happened in a church dedicated to St. Hyacinth (1185-1257) is significant. St Hyacinth was a Dominican saint who was devoted to the Eucharist and who also experienced a Eucharist Miracle. When the fierce Mongolian troops had reached the outskirts of Kiev, St. Hyacinth took the ciborium containing the consecrated Hosts and was taking them to safety. He arrived at the back of the church and heard a voice coming from the Madonna statue near the altar calling him, “Hyacinth, Hyacinth. I see you’re rescuing my Son, but you will not want to leave His mother in the hands of the desecrating barbarians?” He apologised saying it was impossible for him to lift such a heavy weight, but Our Lady replied: “If you had a little more faith and love for me, it would be easy for you to carry this burden.” “I do not want anything but to love you and trust in you,” said St. Hyacinth. Immediately the statue became as light as a feather and St. Hyacinth, accompanied by his fellow friars, miraculously crossed the wide river Dnieper and went unnoticed amid the Mongolian troops.

Saints, Mystics and the Eucharist: Sacred Heart of Jesus

The message received by the nun, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque of Paray-le-Monial contains the so called “twelve promises of the Sacred Heart,” in which Jesus reveals the graces linked to this devotion. Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus is directly tied to that of love for the Eucharist. As the great apostle of this devotion, the Jesuit priest Henri Ramiere wrote, “It is in the Eucharist that we truly find the Heart of Jesus nearest to us; it is in the Eucharist that He unites himself in a most intimate way to us, and we to Him.”