This Eucharistic miracle took place in Ferrara, in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Vado, on Easter Sunday, March 28, 1171. While celebrating Easter Mass, Father Pietro da Verona, the prior of the basilica, reached the moment of breaking the consecrated Host when he saw blood gush from it and stain the ceiling vault above the altar with droplets. In 1595 the vault was enclosed within a small shrine and is still visible today in the monumental Basilica of Santa Maria in Vado.
Category: Italy
Italy: Cascia
In 1330, at Cascia, a gravely ill peasant called the priest so he could receive Communion. The priest, partly through carelessness and partly through apathy, instead of taking the ciborium with him in order to carry the Eucharist to the house of sick man, irreverently placed a Host in a prayer book. When he reached the peasant the priest opened the book and with astonishment saw that the Host was transformed into a clot of blood and the pages of the book were marked with blood.
Italy: Saint Clare of Assisi
The History of Saint Clare, Virgin, tells of various miracles performed by Saint Clare. There are episodes of multiplications of loaves and of bottles of oil that appeared in the convent when there was none before. But Clare performed the most famous of the miracles in 1240 on a Friday in September, in which she turned away an attack by Saracen soldiers who had broken into the convent cloister by showing them the Sacred Host.
Italy: Morrovalle
In 1560 at Morrovalle, a huge fire destroyed the church of the Franciscans but spared a large Host contained in a pyx (which was also completely burned except for the lid). The Eucharistic miracle’s fourth centenary was celebrated in 1960, and the City Council unanimously decided to place at Morrovalle’s main gate the inscription, “Civitas Eucaristica” (Eucharistic City).
Italy: Siena
In the Basilica of San Francesco in Siena, 223 consecrated Hosts have remained intact for 276 years. (Archbishop Tiberio Borghese sealed unconsecrated hosts in a tin box for ten years. The scientific commission put in charge when the box was reopened found only worms and rotted fragments.) The Siena event is against any physical and biological law. The scientist Enrico Medi stated: “This direct intervention from God is the miracle […], accomplished and maintained for centuries, to testify to the permanent reality of Christ in the Eucharistic Sacrament”.
Italy: Asti Part 2
The second miracle took place in the old Chapel of Opera Pia Milliavacca and it is documented by numerous testimonies gathered by a notary public, underwritten by the priest and by imminent clerical and non-denominational authorities.
Italy: Bagno Di Romagna
In 1412, the prior of the Basilica of St. Mary of Bagno di Romagna, Fr. Lazzaro da Verona, while celebrating the Holy Mass, was assailed by doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament. He had just pronounced the words of consecration of the wine when this was transformed into living Blood and began to flow from the chalice and fall onto the corporal. Fr. Lazzaro, profoundly moved and repentant, confessed his unbelief to the faithful present at the celebration and the profound miracle that the Lord had worked before his eyes.
Italy: Rome Part 2
Having just finished praying, he saw that part of the bread prepared by the woman became Flesh and Blood. The woman repented, knelt
on the ground, and began to cry.
Italy: Macerata
On April 25 1356, at Macerata, a priest whose name is not known was celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Church of St. Catherine, owned by the Benedictine monks. During the breaking of the Eucharistic Bread before Holy Communion, the priest began to doubt the Real Presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host. Precisely at the moment in which he broke the Host, to his great surprise, he saw flow from the Host an abundance of Blood which stained part of the corporal, and the chalice placed on the altar.
Italy: Lanciano Part 1
An inscription in marble from the 17th century describes this Eucharistic miracle which occurred at Lanciano in 750 at the Church of St. Francis. “A monastic priest doubted whether the Body of Our Lord was truly present in the consecrated Host. He celebrated Mass and when he said the words of consecration, he saw the Host turn into Flesh and the Wine turn into Blood. Everything was visible to those in attendance. The Flesh is still intact and the Blood is divided into five unequal parts which together have the exact same weight as each one does separately.