Category: Saints, Mystics and the Eucharist

Blessed: Alexandrina Maria da Costa

Alexandrina remained paralyzed at age 21 from a dramatic incident in which she fled from the threat of violence. She did not permit herself to be overcome by sadness and by loneliness, but thought: “Jesus, You are a prisoner in the tabernacle as I am here on my bed, so that we can keep company”. Following the physical sufferings from the paralysis, mystical sufferings were added: for four years, every Friday she saw the sorrows of the Passion, and after this period, for
another 13 years until her death she was nourished only by the Eucharist. Her life became a continuous prayer for the conversion of sinners.

André Frossard

The conversion of the atheist writer Andre Frossard, in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, has had great repercussions in the world. He himself recounted how his conversion came about in his book, God Exists. I Have Met Him (1969). Up to his final years, up to his final days, he would only say: “Since the time when I encountered God, I have never succeeded in growing tired of the mystery of God. Every day is something new for me. And if God exists, I should speak of it; if Christ is the Son of God, I should proclaim it loudly; if there is Life Eternal, I should preach it.”

Saint: Satyrus

In his work, De excessu fratris Satyri, St. Ambrose himself describes this Eucharistic miracle in which his brother Satyrus played a key role. St. Satyrus was able to save himself from shipwreck thanks to the Eucharist.

Saint: Faustina Kowalska

The most recent practical link to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the devotional icon of the Lord’s Merciful love came from the Polish nun Saint Faustina Kowalska. Jesus appeared to her on February 22, 1931, with His right hand bestowing blessings and His left hand pointing towards His Sacred Heart, which emitted two rays: one pale; the other a bright red. These rays represent the Water and Blood that came out of Jesus’ pierced side while on the Cross. This symbolizes the purifying virtues of Baptism and Confession and the regenerative virtue of the Holy Eucharist.

Blessed: Anne Catherine Emmerich

Anne Catherine Emmerich was forced to abandon the monastery in which she lived because it was being appropriated by the government. In that period, her health declined and the mystical experiences increased: she received the stigmata and had numerous visions. One of these allowed the finding of the house
of Our Lady in Ephesus. In fact, according to antique traditions, it seems that Mary settled, together with John the Apostle, in this city. The miraculous aspect of the life of Anne Catherine is that for years she fed only on the Eucharist.

Blessed: Nicholas Steno

After a youth spent in studying and then in scientific research, Nicolas Steno at age 28 converted to the Catholic Church while watching the Corpus Christi procession, thus realizing the greatness and magnificence of the Eucharist; the Real Presence of Jesus in the Host. He then decided to become a priest and missionary in his own country.

Yvonne-Aimée of Malestroit

Mother Yvonne-Aimée was a religious who lived in Malestroit from 1927 to 1951. Heroine of the resistance, she was decorated with more flmings (photo
shoots) than even General Charles De Gaulle. She saved many patriots during the war. In 1943, she was arrested by the Gestapo and liberated miraculously by
her Guardian Angel. She died on the 3rd of February 1951 during a trip to Africa due to a cerebral hemorrhage. She was an extraordinary mystic.

Teresa Neumann

Teresa Neumann’s life changed radically after her miraculous recovery from paralysis and total blindness at the age of 25. About a year later, she received the stigmata and began fasting, which lasted 36 years until her death. Her only nourishment was the Holy Eucharist and for this reason the Nazi authorities, during World War II, withdrew her food rationing card and gave her a double rationing of soap to wash her towels and clothing, because every Friday she would be drenched in Blood while she was in ecstasy, experiencing the Passion of Christ. Hitler was very fearful of Teresa.

Saint: Egidio

Charles Martel had committed a grave sin, and stricken by remorse, decided to go to Provenza and present himself to a well-known abbot of the time named Egidio, in order to seek absolution for this sin, without actually confessing it and while keeping the crime committed a secret. Saint Egidio was officiating at
a Mass when an angel appeared and placed himself near the altar, carrying in his hand a book in which was written the unconfessed fault. As the celebration continued, the writing in the book faded little by little until it completely disappeared, and Charles Martel felt himself absolved.