Category: Americas

Argentina: Buenos Aires Part 3

“In 2001 I went with my samples to Professor Linoli who identified the white blood cells and said to me that most probably the samples corresponded to heart tissue. The results obtained from the samples were similar to those of the studies performed on the Host of the Miracle of Lanciano. In 2002 we sent the sample to Professor John Walker at the University of Sydney in Australia who confirmed that the samples showed muscle cells and intact white blood cells and everyone knows that white blood cells outside our body disintegrate after 15 minutes and in this case 6 years had already passed.”

Peru: Eten

The Eucharistic Miracle of Eten happened about 365 years ago in the Peruvian town of Port Eten. In a Host exposed for public adoration, there appeared the Child Jesus and three interconnected hearts of a brilliant white color. Every year, the feast in honor of this event begins on July 12, with the transfer of the Host of the Miracle from its Sanctuary to the church in the City of Eten, and it ends on July 24.

Columbia: Tumaco

The undersea earthquake in 1906 on the Pacific Coast caused enormous damage in many areas. Fr. Bernardino Garcia of the Conception, who at the time was in the City of Panama gave the following testimony regarding the terrible cataclysm that struck the area. “Unexpectedly an enormous wave (we style them
tsunamis today) crashed into the port, reached into the market area and destroyed everything. Boats that had been drawn up on shore were picked up hurled long distances causing heavy losses”. The small island of Tumaco was spared by a miracle thanks to the faith of the people and the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament by Fr Gerardo Larrondo.

Mexico: Tixtla Part 1

On October 12, 2013, H.E. Most Rev. Alejo Zavala Castro, Bishop of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, announced through a Pastoral Letter the recognition of the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred at Tixtla, on October 21, 2006. In the letter we read: “This manifestation brings to us a marvelous sign of the love of God that confirms the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist… In my role as Bishop of the Diocese I recognize the supernatural character of the series of events relating to the Bleeding Host of Tixtla… I declare the case as a “Divine Sign …”.

Island of Martinique: Morne-Rouge

On May 8, 1902, La Montagne, the volcano at the peak of Mount Pelée suddenly erupted. A discharge of lava immediately reached the city of Saint-Pierre de la Martinique and completely destroyed it. That day, the eruption mysteriously spared the village of Morne-Rouge, located between Saint-Pierre and Mount Pelée. The prodigious event was accompanied by an apparition of Jesus and His Sacred Heart in the Host exposed for public Eucharistic adoration. There were many witnesses to that extraordinary phenomenon.

Venezula: Betania

On December 8 of 1991, Father Otty Ossa Aristizábal was celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Shrine of Betania in Cúa and during the consecration, saw the Host bleeding. The miraculous Host is preserved in the city of Los Teques, at the convent of the Augustinian Recollects Nuns of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, where It is permanently exposed for the adoration of the faithful and It is visited every year by numerous pilgrims coming also from abroad. Many prodigious events have taken place, connected to the Host of the Miracle, among the one which stands out that occurred to a young American who filmed the Miraculous Host pulsating like a heart, while It was exposed to the faithful.

Mexico: Tixtla Part 2

“The ecclesiastical authority wanted likewise to specify that in a Catholic context the Miracle distinguishes itself for the following aspects:
1. Theological: The intervention comes from God. It is of divine origin.
2. Objectivity: The ‘alteration’ of the causes or natural laws is evident.
3. Subjectivity: Whoever accepts the miracle ‘recognizes or accepts’ with an act of Faith that the extraordinary event comes from the loving Will of God.
4. Purpose: It has as its end the good of one or many people.”

Argentina: Buenos Aires Part 2

This is the account given by Professor Castañon regarding the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in 1996 still in the Parish of Saint Mary: “On August 15, 1996, a faithful received the consecrated Host in his hands to take communion but he let it inadvertently fall to the ground and thought not to pick it up because its seemed “dirty” to him. Another person, more pious, noticed what had happened, picked it up and placed it apart immediately informing the priest, Father Alejandro Pezet. The priest, following the directives of the Church in these circumstances. put the Host in a vessel full of water which he placed in the tabernacle awaiting that it would dissolve.”