Category: Spain

Spain: Gerona

In the Eucharistic miracle of Gerona, during the celebration of the Mass, a priest doubted the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. But when the time for Communion arrived, the priest did not succeed in swallowing the Host which had transformed into Flesh in his mouth. Unfortunately the relic of the Host transformed into Flesh was destroyed in 1936, during the civil war.

Spain: Montserrat

The Eucharistic miracle of Montserrat brings us to reflect on the reality of purgatory and reminds us that every Mass has an infinite value because it makes the unique sacrifice of Christ suffering on Calvary present in our minds. This Eucharistic prodigy is reported by the Benedictine priest R.P. Francio de Paula Crusellas, in his text, New History of the Sanctuary and Monastery of Our Lady of Montserrat.

Spain: Daroca Part 1

The Eucharistic miracle of Daroca was verified shortly before one of the numerous battles sustained by the Spanish against the Moors. The Christian commanders asked the priest in the field to celebrate Mass, but a few minutes after the consecration, an improvised enemy attack obliged the priest to suspend the Mass and hide the consecrated Hosts amid the lines of the celebration. The Spanish left the battle victorious and the commanders asked the priest to communicate the Hosts previously consecrated. However, they were found completely covered in Blood. Even today, it is possible to venerate the blood-stained linens.