Category: Germany

Germany: Walldürn

One of the most complete documents about the Eucharistic miracle is told of the Eucharistic miracle of Walldürn Germany in the year 1330 and was written by the Monk Hoffius in 1589. During the Mass, a priest accidentally overturned the Sacred Species of the consecrated Wine onto the corporal. The Sacred Blood formed an Image of the Crucified Christ on the corporal. The relic of the corporal with the Blood is preserved today, placed on the side altar in the minor basilica of Saint George in Walldürn. Every year, several thousands of pilgrims visit Walldürn to venerate the sacred relic.

Germany: Benningen

In 1216, the village of Benningen was the location of a Eucharistic miracle in which the Host bled. A few years later in 1221, the citizens of Benningen began the construction of a chapel in honor of this miracle which is known as Riedkapelle zum Hochwürdigen Gut. From 1674 to 1718 the Riedkapelle was rebuilt and enlarged to accommodate the large number of pilgrims. Each year, during the Feast of Corpus Domini (Corpus Christi), the parish of Benningen makes a procession to the Riedkapelle, to celebrate the commemoration of the miracle.

Germany: Wilsnack

During a terrible fire that exploded in the village of Wilsnack in 1383, among the ruins of the parish church were found three completely intact Hosts, which bled continuously. Pilgrims began to go there in great numbers, and for that reason a church was built there in honor of the miracle. Its veneration was approved by two bulls of Pope Eugene IV in 1447.

Germany: Bettbrunn

In the Eucharistic Miracle of Bettbrunn, a very pious farmer in an excess of zeal stole a sacred Host that he brought to his farm in Viehbrunn. One day, the Host fell to the ground accidentally but no one was able to pick it up. Everything was tried and finally the Bishop of Regensburg intervened. The Bishop was able to pick up the Host only after promising the Lord that he would build a church in honor of the Host. The report of the miracle spread rapidly and attracted a large number of pilgrims.

Germany: Erding

On Holy Thursday 1417, a peasant stole a consecrated Host, which in the course of his journey escaped from his hands and flew away in the air. He tried in vain to catch it. It was only thanks to the direct intervention of the Bishop that he was able to recover the particle. A chapel was immediately built on the site where the miracle occurred. There were many cures and wonders attributed to the veneration of this miracle.

Germany: Weingaten Part 1

For more than 900 years it has been possible to venerate the relic of a portion of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus at the Benedictine Monastery at Weingarten. According to many historians, the soldier Longinus had carried the relic of the Most Precious Blood of Christ to Mantua. Later the Precious Blood was divided into several portions and given to various rulers of the era, the most famous of whom was Charlemagne, and to different popes.

Germany: Augsburg

The Eucharistic Miracle of Augsburg, is known locally as Wunderbarlichen Gutes – “The Miraculous Good”. It is described in numerous books and historical documents that can be consulted in the civic state library of Augsburg. A stolen Host was transformed into bleeding flesh. In the course of the centuries, several analyses were completed of the Holy Piece that have always confirmed that human flesh and blood are present. Today the Convent of the Heileg Kreuz (Holy Cross) is taken care of by the Dominican Fathers.

Germany: Kranenburg

In 1284, in the small city of Kranenburg in the district of Kleve, there was a Eucharistic miracle known under the name of “Miracle of the Miraculous Crucifix.”
A sacred Host was thrown near a tree by a shepherd who was not able to swallow the Holy Eucharist because of an illness. Later, the tree was cut in half and a perfectly carved crucifix fell to the ground. On the place where the crucifix was found, a church was built. That church is still there to this day and numerous
pilgrims come to visit it.

Germany: Regensburg

In the Eucharistic miracle of Regensburg, a priest was assailed by doubts concerning the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist during the Holy Mass. At the moment he was elevating the chalice, the wooden crucifix above the tabernacle came to life, and the Lord slowly extended his arms to the priest, took the
chalice from his hands and exhibited the Holy Eucharist for adoration of the faithful.